The challenge

Llefrith Henfaes is an upland family-owned dairy farm in north Wales, working in partnership with another family, milking 300 Jersey x Friesian dairy cows. They currently produce 1,500,000 litres of milk a year. Similar to other dairy farms, it generates large volumes of slurry within the milking sheds that are currently discharged into slurry pits.

Our solution

The partnership wanted to look at extracting the energy value from the cow slurry to decarbonise the farm and enable them to meet incoming regulations. The project will bring a significant carbon reduction due to decreased methane emissions from the slurry pits, alongside the renewable energy generation.


6.3 m3/day
of sludge

Energy generation:

10.6 m3/hr
of methane

Electrical Energy generation:

324 MWh
of renewable electricity*

*324 MWh of renewable electricity will power the farm all year round and will export additional energy to the grid, creating income diversification for the farmer. The recovered heat from the CHP unit will heat water for cleaning milking pipes twice a day.

The WASE instillation at Llefrith Henfaes is the world’s first and biggest commercially functioning electro-methanogenic reactor. This is real world cutting edge technology that is actively changing the way farmers operate.

The shock of recent rises in electrical prices added to the increasing regulations being enforced on farmers compelled us to look at alternatives to address these problems. We look forward to working with WASE in this new, innovative approach to tackle these issues.

Rheinallt Williams, Partner

Want to dig deeper into the numbers?

COOK – Pudding to power

COOK, a certified B Corp, aimed to reduce reliance on grid-sourced green gas and improve waste management. WASE’s miniWASE reactor now converts pudding waste on-site, cutting transport emissions and treatment costs.

Hepworth Brewery – Wastewater to energy

We are helping the brewery treat their wastewater on the premises, turning it into biogas on-site and avoiding costly collection and disposal.