The challenge

Like many food and drink manufacturers, Hepworth Brewery produces large volumes of wastewater rich in organics. Until recently, they transported this waste off-site for disposal, incurring high costs tied to fluctuating petrol prices. Situated in an environmentally sensitive region with limited on-site space, conventional AD or aerobic treatment systems were impractical. Seeking a smarter solution, they turned to us.

Our impact

We enable Hepworth to treat all their wastewater onsite, reducing costs and unnecessary mileage. The water is safely discharged into the local environment, reducing their impact on a water-stressed region. This partnership reduces Hepworth’s costs while providing a secure, sustainable energy supply and increasing their operational resilience.


17 m3
of wastewater daily


362 MWh/yr
of net energy


100 tonnes
CO2 annually

We looked at getting a traditional anaerobic digester but it didn’t offer the flexibility to grow and required more land. WASE offered a unique compact solution that meant we could treat all our water onsite. We are really impressed.

Andy Hepworth, Founder and Chairman of Hepworth Brewery

Want to dig deeper into the numbers?

Graphic composition depicting data

COOK – Pudding to power

We are helping the brewery treat their wastewater on the premises, turning it into biogas on-site and avoiding costly collection and disposal.

Llefrith Henfaes Dairy Farm – Slurry waste management

We treat cattle slurry for compliance, generating renewable energy to power the farm and create new revenue streams.

Image of farmers stood in field